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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wisdom from the 2 million...

Two days ago while I was eating turkey and and pumpkin pie with cool-whip ( can't have pie without cool whip, family guy fans?) I was reflecting on some wisdom I heard from the Native people of this land. I heard this wisdom from the Khateeb at salaatul jumah of all places, different from what you would normally hear from the mimbar right? In any case this is what was said " A grandfather was talking to his grandson, he said son, there are two wolves in me that are constantly at war, one wolf is full of hate, lust, greed, fear and jealousy, he wants to consume and destroy. The other wolf is full of love and kindness, he wants to protect and be rightous. The grandson asked " which wolf wins? The grandfather replied " the one I feed."


Stick up kids is out to tax...

Since the economy has crashed further down then ever since the great depression, stick up kids around my way have been crazy fuken busy. Not that where I rest was ever was a good place to walk around countin cash yellin out 'Ballin" on some Jim Jones ish, but these dudes are taken it to some next level ish for a small town. These young cats is strippen the town butt-naked, every Mc'donalds hit in one day, every blockbuster, The toll booth at the bridge, every day muhf%kas coming home from work getting smashed in the face, pistol whipped and often enough murked, many times in broad day light. If this aint hit where you live yet, its only a matter of time, no doubt this is gonna get worse before it gets better, so be safe out there family...Peace...

Athiest Sufi

Atheist Soofi
Ash'hadu an la ilaha.I declare that there is no god.I declare that what you worship,In your mosques and your churches,In your synagogues and idol temples,On your knees and your faces,most certainly exists not.So I have taken up the cloakOf an atheist Soofi.In my dhikr I remember Nothing,And I strive to return to Nothing.But if I do not strive at all,I will still return to Nothing.There is no god on His Throne.There is no god in the Heavens.There is no god on the Cross.There is no god at Jerusalem.There is no god in the Ka'aba.Nothing is due our worship,And though ye be mushrikeen,I worship Nothing alone.You worship a man in the sky,But you truly worship only your nafs.I deny the existence of both.There is no thing but Nothing,And Muhammad is His Messenger

( Unknown author )

360 degrees of no-thing

In the history of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) we learn that upon taking the Kahbah from the Meccans he proceeded to destroy the 360 idols inside. After clearing the Kahbah of the idols what did he replace them with? Nothing. By clearing the Kahbah of the Idols and replacing them with nothing the Prophet was pointing to a certain direction or idea. 360 is the number of degrees in a perfect circle or cipher. He cleared the cipher of idols, why? Because idols make one idle by worshiping that can bring no harm or benefit. Why replace it with nothing? When we pray ( meditate, reflect, focus etc...) we should be establishing a connection with that which is beyond time, space and matter, that which is no-thing. That universal mind, conciseness, force, or energy that is both internal and external. On the internal level we can see this as needing to clear our own cipher or Kahbah ( ka-ab-ba mind, body, soul) of the Idols that are making us idle. Toward that end, inshaAllah I will be posting wisdom from various sources daily to help us to smash our internal/external idols. Salaams...Peace...V...